They are oftentimes referred to as man’s best friend, and treated like family in most households, but what happens when they attack? Dog bites can be frightening occurrences that cause devastating physical and emotional injuries. Victims will naturally wonder what options they have available to receive compensation for medical injuries and treatment.
According to the American Veterinary Association, approximately 4.5 million people sustain a bite from a canine annually. Of those 4.5 million individuals, approximately 800,000 require some type of medical attention, which can result in costly medical bills.
Dog bites can result in serious puncture wounds, deep lacerations, torn ligaments, disfigurement, bruising, and infections. In addition to causing serious physical injuries, dog bite incidents can also create significant emotional scars that are life-altering and long lasting. Many victims of dog bites develop certain emotional and psychological traumas such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
In both Missouri and Illinois, dog owners can be held strictly liable for the injuries a victim sustains, regardless of the owner’s knowledge of any prior attacks or tendency to act in a vicious manner. This essentially means the dog’s owner can be financially liable for injuries, even if the dog bite was not the result of the owner’s negligence.
Important Steps to Take Following a Dog Bite
Seek Medical Attention
The very first thing you should do following a dog bite is obtain medical treatment. Medical professionals will be able to evaluate the extent of the injuries sustained and prevent any potential infection.
Report the Incident
Dog bites should be reported to local animal control and a formal report should be requested.
Reporting the dog bite to animal control could potentially prevent the same from happening again in the future.
Obtain Helpful Evidence
If possible, you should attempt to gather information regarding the dog owner such as their name; address; telephone number; and insurance coverage/policy.
Taking and maintaining photographs depicting the extent of the injuries sustained can be helpful as well.
Contact an Attorney
Dog bites can result in significant injuries and lifelong trauma. An experienced personal injury attorney can assist you in pursuing the fair and just compensation you deserve.
Similar to the statute of limitations for personal injuries from a car accident, an individual has 5 years to file a lawsuit for a dog bite claim in Missouri and 2 years in Illinois. Generally, compensation for medical bills and pain and suffering in dog bite cases will come from the property insurance company for the liable party or dog owner.
The Swanson Law Firm can help assist you by gathering the necessary evidence including witness statements and animal control reports, submitting a formal demand for compensation, or filing a lawsuit in the event fair compensation is not offered. If you have been injured as a result of a dog bite, call us today at (314) 492-2380 or send an email, to schedule your free consultation.

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